Local Opinion

Understanding deformation

Measuring deformation is an important part of the volcano monitoring toolbox. Deformation is a change in the ground surface or shape, whether that’s up (inflation), down (deflation), or sideways. Understanding what the cause could be,…

Is this confidence justified?

Three central banks, the US Federal Reserve, the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Reserve Bank of New Zealand have announced decisions on their Official Cash Rates in recent weeks. The US Fed was first…

Something’s missing …

Have you ever tossed around in your mind the question of ‘is there something missing in my life?’ If so, you’d certainly be in good company because it appears to be one of the most…

Anzac and water plans

The Cambridge Community Board has had a busy start to the year.  We have begun planning the town’s popular Anzac commemorative services. With the Town Hall’s renovations well underway, we are planning service options for…

Letters to the Editor – 27 February 2025

On our radar I wish to assure Liz Stolwyk and Waipā citizens that kiwifruit is definitely not “off the radar”. A group of affected neighbours from three different areas of Waipā is working with the…

Catches and con artists

Family harm is present in every community, and much still goes unreported. This may be because a victim of harm does not feel able to stand up to their aggressor, they are fearful of making…

Waitangi Day – and Rangiaowhia

I wonder how many of us applied for annual leave on the Friday, taking advantage of the Waitangi holiday to turn it into a long Waitangi Weekend. I suggest that if we’re honest, that will…

Volcanoes and fake views

Misinformation is not new. Sometimes confusion reigns and wrong information is innocently shared. Sometimes tabloids make clickbait headlines that are wildly misleading, so you visit their website, and they make money. Now we also have…

Three decades, no improvement

Thirty two years ago our household was divided over the matter of the referendum that canvassed opinion as to MMP – or not. I was strongly against it as I felt that a 61 seat…

Paying for public transport

Waikato Regional Council recently confirmed its proposed Annual Plan budget. Thanks to a lot of good work by our chief executive and his staff, careful consideration by councillors and following a series of workshops with…

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