Local Opinion

Planning for a big one

Scenarios are an invaluable tool for helping prepare for major events. Facing a potential disaster requires scientists, government officials, business owners, families, utility companies, and first responders (and more) to plan together. This provides a…

Following the kiwi

Last week, councillor Mich’eal Downard, chair Pamela Storey and I were guests at Maungatautari, watching the annual kiwi translocation. Up until now I’ve been a bit dubious about the Maungatautari pest-free project. However, over time…

Thoughts from a trip south

Last week involved a round trip to Otaki and Wellington mainly to catch up with family members. As we moved south – with Waikato officially in a drought scenario – the only real green land…

Say it, before it’s too late …

Recently a family asked me to lead a memorial service for a loved one. Lots of thought went into the ‘components’ of the service for this lady who I had known well. At least, I’d…

Eighteen – that’s the minimum

This week I will start by talking alcohol. The minimum legal age for purchasing alcohol in New Zealand is 18 years. Alcohol affects our rangatahi differently to adults, because they are still developing – physically,…

Deciphering past eruptions

People around the world are often familiar with the most significant eruptions, such as the 1883 Krakatau eruption, which had profound and far-reaching effects. However, there are many stories of volcanic eruptions that have impacted…

Orrsome or Orrful?

It did not come as a complete surprise when Adrian Orr resigned as Governor of the Reserve Bank – it was clear there was tension between him and the government. But the abrupt manner of…

Be a ‘bigger’ person

A pithy saying goes, “being wrapped up in ourselves, we make very small parcels”. It’s particularly relevant in a culture where multiple influences push us increasingly into self-absorbed life-styles with isolationism reducing contemplation and thoughtful…

Be alert for those who are not

Starting with some recent good traffic catches – for one of our traffic constables. A 7am traffic stop last week brought more than he expected. A roadside breath test resulted in the driver returning a…

Catastrophic events

Aotearoa has not experienced a catastrophe. Cyclone Gabrielle and the Christchurch and Kaikōura earthquakes were disasters that impacted many lives, but they were not catastrophes. A catastrophe is much worse – on the staggering scale…

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