Local News

Decision stands

Papers and presentations Waipā councillors are privy to at public workshops are not shared in advance or during the meetings. While that makes it virtually impossible for the public to follow what the councillors are…

Fluoride: stop work call

Waipā District Council should stop work on plans to put fluoride into Cambridge water pending a final court decision, a local body politician says. But the health ministry is telling 14 councils its orders to…

Who could it be now?

Each year The News in Cambridge and Te Awamutu asks readers to help us select two very special people. The News person of the year award is entering is fourth year as a twin award…

Tips for lifestylers

Preparedness matters. That is the theme of a Waipā District Council-organised workshop in Ōhaupō for lifestyle blockers. The facilitator is Hayley Squance who has a PhD in emergency management and is a veterinarian with extensive…

News …. in brief

Input wanted The Cambridge Resthaven Trust is reaching out to the community to request input on an important initiative. They are conducting a survey to better understand how Cambridge Resthaven is perceived and how it…

Marketing for the maunga

Green jellies were the clear winner at Holly Jenkins’ class stall at Hautapu School’s market day last Friday, snaffled long before the chocolate crackle ‘birds nests’ and kakapo cupcakes disappeared. Also up for grabs were…

Youngsters get tips from the top

Pirongia School called in a couple of trailblazers for last week’s second running of the school’s Young Farmer Competition. Principal Kelly Bicknell invited 2023 Young Farmer of the Year winner Emma Poole and her husband…

Into the blue…

Twelve months ago, Waipā’s Monavale Blueberries was dealt the cruellest of blows. The 2022-23 crop from a 44ha orchard boasting than 30 varieties of blueberries in flower was literally frozen to death by a five…

Lynley rises to the challenge

For Lynley Allison, teaching students resilience is just as important as teaching them the curriculum. “I think kids today, with the digital age, expect a lot and find it hard to understand that you still…

Bell rings again

A new church bell blessed during Sunday’s Remembrance Day service at the Pukeatua War Memorial Church has strong links to Tamahere. Church committee chairman Margaret Main said the history of the bell is tied to…

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