Local News

Carmel’s last dance

She was a tomboy with the soul of a dancer. At primary school, Carmel Howarth loved wearing gumboots and running wild outdoors. “I loved rugby but I wasn’t allowed to play because girls weren’t allowed…

The ploughman’s legacy

GRAHAM FREEGARD: 10th October 1931 – 3rd DECEMBER 2023 Graham Freegard – a man known as much for his ploughing skills and love of tractors as for his brightly painted tin hat – died earlier…

Chamber reflects on year’s highlights

Advocacy played a significant role in the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce’s year, chief executive Kelly Bouzaid told the business group’s annual meeting last week. Raising awareness about a proposed quarry south of Cambridge by gauging…

Waipā roles in ordination

Waipā parish priests Joe Stack and Leonard Danvers had crucial roles in the ordination of new Hamilton Diocese Catholic bishop Richard Laurenson on Friday. The two monsignors – titles bestowed by the Pope on priests…

Rate bills mount up

Waipā’s rates team sent out more penalty letters for unpaid rates this month than staff can recall, financial accountant Nada Milne told the district council meeting this week. And the 95 per cent of rates…

An uncertain destiny

Destination Cambridge is crunching the numbers as it faces a double setback to its operating budget. Waipā District Council funding of $157,000 for its i-Site information job is gone from July 1 next year while…

Proposed rates increase 14.8 percent due to increased costs

High inflation, soaring interest rates and increased compliance costs are the main drivers behind Waipā District Council needing to collect $13.8 million more in rates revenue in the next financial year. But the budget is…

A glass act

Holding a priceless piece of history in his gloved hands, he is quick to recognise the significance of his work. “It certainly is a unique job. I really enjoy the variety, but at the same…

Where art meets vegetables

Germinated in the fertile imaginations of the St Peter’s Catholic School community, a creative idea has blossomed into a colourful artwork. Principal Anita Asumadu is delighted with the school’s new garden mural, which capped off…

Audit report pleases council

Audit New Zealand billed Waipā District Council $233,469 to conduct its annual audit and provide a management report to the Audit and Risk committee. The committee this week received the report, which has three new…

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