Local News

New whānau rooms in house

Cambridge Community House’s new whānau whare was officially blessed and opened last week, providing an easier working environment for one of the agency’s busier teams. The four-roomed addition adds capacity to facilities at Cambridge Community…

Moves to stall housing plan

Waipā wants to hit pause on a controversial housing intensification plan but the legislation which would allow them to do so is not yet in place. The coalition Government agreed to make Medium Density Residential…

Reporting for bloody duty

It has been years since The News’ senior writer Mary Anne Gill has given blood but sometime in the next few days, she will rectify that. Gill was one of the many New Zealand residents…

Fresh look at our history

Elizabeth Harvey and Karen Payne always know they have got their exhibits right in the Cambridge Museum when they see people standing in front of a case and talking about the contents. “That’s what we…

A school missing its Suzie

Te Miro School students are desperate to find their missing pet. Three-year-old Suzie went missing from the school almost two weeks ago. Year 4 student Imogen Nicholls said students wanted Suzie back “a million to…

Happy birthday, Mr Fix It

“Whenever I’m travelling and I go through immigration with my passport, for example, it always amazes me how few people actually pick up on what my birthday is. “And that’s even after looking at it…

Six weeks on: we told you

Cambridge’s new primary school is not the only victim of the coalition government’s announcement this week to put education construction on hold. The News’ lead story – six weeks ago – revealed “fiscal constraints” were…

Put it there! Corridor for third bridge revealed

A new bridge in town features in all three options unveiled by Waipā District Council today in its long-awaited multi-million dollar Cambridge Connections business case. Of the three, the preferred option C out for consultation…

It’s Paddy’s festival too

Alana Mackay is convinced having the Cambridge Autumn Festival’s Main Street carnival and art market on St Patrick’s Day will be a huge boost for the event. Now into its 14th year, the festival kicks…

Bloody good news – we told you so!

Update – 12.30pm Friday 23 February – Media Release New Zealand Blood Service People who lived in the United Kingdom, France or Republic of Ireland between 1980 and 1996 for six months or more during…

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