Local News

Viva Las Vegas

Just before 6pm on Saturday, June 8, a blue Plymouth rumbles up to the Sir Don Rowlands Event Centre at Lake Karāpiro. Isla Gerrand, Amy Wright and Jess Stewart climb out of the 50-year-old car…

Emergency bush skills taught

Scout leaders learned how to build emergency shelters in Pirongia Forest Park recently. The leaders, kaiarahi or mentors, were challenged to build emergency shelters from material found lying on the bush floor.  While trampers should…

Fieldays looks at challenge

Farmers will address the critical challenges facing the rural community at this year’s National Agricultural Fieldays. Fieldays has partnered with Federated Farmers to launch a Rural Advocacy Hub at the southern hemisphere’s biggest agricultural event,…

Unleashing dairy and beef potential

Beef and dairy farmers don’t typically work together, but that will soon change if Bob Thomson gets his way. Thomson, an Agfirst agribusiness consultant of 50 years’ experience, is leading a project he hopes will…

Lakewood’s history in panels

A set of heritage panels revealing the backstory to Cambridge’s Lakewood development are delighting both locals and visitors. Finishing touches to the panels went in last month, brought to this point by a group keen…

Peddling good advice

Smile and wave – that was the take home message bicycle retailer Justin Bax gave the women who attended a women’s’ bike maintenance course last week. “It’s across the board really for blokes and girls,”…

Fonterra outlines plans

Waste water, carbon emissions, river pipeline and roading changes were some of the issues covered at Fonterra Hautapu’s annual meeting with its community last month. All bar a couple of seats at the factory’s training…

The bus goes vroom vroom vroom

The wheels on the bus go round and round the Waikato region in a vote of confidence in public transport by the region’s territorial authorities that should have patrons beating a path to the bus…

D-Day – and a Cambridge plaque

There is a memorial plaque at St Andrew’s Church which evokes powerful D-Day memories today. Look closely at the plaque dedicated to Maurice and Lucienne Vouzelaud in the French Garden on the grounds of St…

Waipā King’s Birthday honours roll

Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit Stephen Cox (Ōhaupō) for services to cycling Stephen Cox had an outstanding career in road cycling, attending three Commonwealth Games, claiming a bronze medal,  and attending the…

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