Where’s Wally? As well as delighting children’s puzzle book readers around the world, he was at Leamington School last Thursday, joining The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Harry Potter and a rainbow of other literary characters in…
Where’s Wally? As well as delighting children’s puzzle book readers around the world, he was at Leamington School last Thursday, joining The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Harry Potter and a rainbow of other literary characters in…
Cambridge Connections feedback is in and if the 509 responses are anything to go by, there are no easy answers to the town’s transport problems. With all ‘third’ bridge options off the table for the…
The operators of the world’s largest predator proof fence at cash-strapped Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari have turned to Conservation minister Tama Potaka for help. Taranaki-King Country MP Barbara Kuriger joined Potaka and Department of Conservation representatives…
The days of Cambridge retailers benefitting at the tills from having a national event just up the road seem to have whittled into insignificance. And the result has prompted a call for a more strategic…
Brett Dixon got up to work before sunrise so he could spend seven hours cleaning his John Deere tractor before Cambridge High School’s 2024 Las Vegas Casino Ball on Saturday. He used the sparking farm…
A Federated Farmers leader has responded to last week’s story in The News where farmers were encouraged to lobby for better milk prices. Waipā accountant Jarrod Godfrey said Fonterra’s opening milk price forecast for the…
A record number of dairy farmers and rural professionals have turned out for a milk price hedging workshop. Thirty-two people showed up for the workshop at Fonterra Farm Source, Cambridge, a larger turnout than previous…
Te Awamutu local Corban George-Potterton has won the Riding for the Disabled (RDA) Young Volunteer of the Year Award for 2023 from a pool of 48 RDA groups across New Zealand. He is a Riding…
Two Waipa residents are pinning their hopes on a successful outing at this week’s National Fieldays. One of them is the Cambridge-based chief executive of Brain Tumour Support NZ, Sarah Verran, who hopes the national…
Judy Donovan never came out of the Pureora Forest in late March. She was the subject of an extensive search. Today, speaking exclusively to the King Country News, her daughter tells of the family’s gratitude…