Local News

Choir heads back to Waitomo Caves

Waitomo Caves choir will host its first open day for this year at the end of the month at the Ōtorohanga Baptist church. And it is hoping to make up the needed balance of voices,…

Second time hound

Some working dogs must retire due to age or injuries. Some just never were cut out for farm life. Paul Charman reports on what happens next. Retired Working Dogs was founded more than 10 years…

Puzzle solved

An active King Country huntaway named Puzzle injured his carpal (wrist) joint at work and had to have a plate put in. But being very engergetic he broke the plate so he was facing either…

Our people on patrol

“They’ve got her,” said the celebratory text message. It was sent by community constable Ryan Fleming to CommSafe community safety officer Mandy Merson at the climax of a half hour drama that played out over…

Major roadworks ahead

Waka Kotahi – the New Zealand Transport Agency – is set to start renewal work over almost a quarter of the 220km long road between Piarere and the Waiouru. And it will involve compacting what…

Youth art exhibition popular

There’s something about pandas and kiwi which gets the creative juices going in children. The art on display in Cambridge Town Hall on the weekend as part of the Panda Meets Kiwi International Youth Art…

Expo launches career ambition

“Fantastic” was how 17-year-old Zach Clarke summed up the Cambridge Community Careers Expo, held at the town hall last week. “It’s great, there’s so many things here,” he said.  “You’ve got everything I’m interested in,…

Mapping out Waipā

Waipā District Council has put its representation review proposal out for public consultation. Senior writer Mary Anne Gill reports on what rural voters should consider. When Maungatautari ward councillor Mike Montgomerie voted for the Waipā…

Sanctuary Mount halves rangers

Maungatautari Ecological Island Trust has let half of its mountain rangers go as Department of Conservation funding ended. Maungatautari Sanctuary Mountain general manager Helen Hughes told The News the trust had lost seven of the…

Tower supporter, mayor meet

The Waipā council has inherited a “legacy of neglect” when it comes to the Cambridge Water Tower, says the man leading a community initiative to save the historic building. Peter Fulton who chairs the Save…

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