Local News

Champions of crafty things put on a fine show

In its golden anniversary year exhibition, members of the Cambridge Creative Fibre Club are basking in the afterglow of a successful annual exhibition at the Raleigh St Christian Centre. Most agree that the 2017 event…

Founded locally, cloud-based company eases the pain of your residential build

Years spent project managing residential building sites had served only to increase her frustration at trying to bring projects in on time and within budget. Communication and streamlined systems seemed thin on the ground, and…

New Lions Club president’s first project close to everyone’s heart

Cambridge Lions new president Allan Field is likely to bring a little more international flair to the role than may have been the norm in recent years. The South African-born import, who officially takes the…

Sheree’s first competition entry brings reward and validation

Sheree, who is a member of the New Zealand Institute of Professional Photography (NZIPP), runs a freelance operation in Cambridge that sees her focus mainly on family photography and weddings. This year, she decided to…

Cambridge’s Karen May … a proud yet humble QSM recipient

Like so many others put forward for such a high level of commendation, Karen prefers to hide her light under a bushel.  But when she gave it more thought, she realised that while the honour…

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