Local News

Homegrown initiative changing lives

Cambridge businesses have gotten behind a local organisation that aims to get Kiwis into sport. Thomas Nabbs, founder of the Waterboy, grew up in Cambridge and started his fledgling charity work here.  With a strong…

Six months in a leaky building

Despite the massive construction effort underway, life goes on for yoga studio owner Sarah MacDonald and the other tenants at 60 Victoria Street. The plastic-wrapped building dominates the main street, with most people under the…

Cambridge Pool season opening delayed

Due to the recent excessive wet weather, the 2017 – 2018 seasonal opening of the Cambridge Pool has been delayed. GoWaipa chief executive, Matthew Horne, said the current water table levels are too high to…

Plastic not fantastic

Hot on the heels of the announcement by Countdown that they will phase out single-use plastic bags in their supermarkets by the end of next year, New World has announced that they will follow suit….

New curtains for Gaslight

After coming down on hundreds of shows, the curtains at the Gaslight theatre are set for replacement. “The existing curtains are over 25 years old,” says Society President Colin Morley, “and are well past their ‘use-by…

Pre-European gardening unearthed

Further evidence of an ancient Māori settlement at Tamahere was uncovered recently during expressway construction works. It added to an historical record which began in 2015 before excavations for the Southern Interchange began, when evidence…

Passchendaele: 100 years on

This week marks the centenary of one of New Zealand’s darkest days – the Battle of Passchendaele in Belgium, World War 1. On Thursday October 12, 1917, a massive contingent of New Zealand soldiers was…

Artist’s home now her gallery

One of Cambridge’s foremost artists, Carole Hughes, is opening her Queen Street home and studio this week as a gallery for her paintings. Carole’s bold and colourful works have found favour nationally and internationally through…

Our town a beautiful finalist

Cambridge’s unique beauty has been recognised at a national level, being named a finalist in the Beautiful Awards, run by Keep New Zealand Beautiful. Making the top three for Most Beautiful Large Town, alongside Feilding…

Cutting-edge new factory opens

A state-of-the-art new frame and truss factory had its official opening in Hautapu recently. Around 20 stakeholders and guests donned safety gear and took a tour of the Waikato Frame and Truss plant, getting a…

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