Local News

Anna nearly there

The finish line is in sight for Cambridge’s Anna Saxton, as she enters the final week of a singing competition in Los Angeles. If successful, Anna will come out ahead of 15 other singers to…

YES for smoothie creators

It’s been a year of growth for the Zalamero Eureka Smoothies team, blooming from an initial concept in the classroom to a full-blown bottled smoothie business now stocking stores and cafes, and an enterprise award…

More smash-and-grabs

  In the early hours of Tuesday morning last week, both the Spark and Vodafone shops on Victoria Street were targeted by thieves who smashed through their frontages to gain access. The Spark store was…

Farewell to Richard Wright

The hallmark of a good send-off is that those attending leave knowing the departed individual with renewed understanding and delight. That would have been the case in spades for the hundreds of people who packed…

‘Weather is rubbish’ – Science

Cambridge people have good reason to be fed up with the rain, with 2017 shaping up to be one of the wettest years on record. Waikato Regional Council water science team leader Bevan Jenkins said…

5km paint spill marks road

Waipa District Council has decided not to clean up a five-kilometre paint spill stretching the entire length of Shakespeare St because it would cost tens of thousands of dollars. The spill happened around lunchtime on…

Moxon Centre blessed

Just before sunrise recently, a group of dignitaries, guests and future residents gathered for the blessing of the new Moxon Centre behind St Andrew’s church. Following a karakia, two clergy walked each of the three…

Thumbs up for Lifeskills

Cambridge Lifeskills manager Sandy Wesford puts her hand over her heart in a gesture of genuine appreciation as she talks about a recent donation of $87.20 to her organisation. The money came from two budding…

Floating in a float pod: What to expect

What’s it like… floating in a float pod? I must say I was excited to get this opportunity to try Loulous’ new float pod – I’m always keen to try new things and getting some…

Fantastic night of fireworks

The Mighty River Domain played host to around five thousand people last Saturday as families gathered at Lake Karapiro for a night of Guy Fawkes celebrations. It was another ripper turn out this year for…

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