Local News

Switch to online sparks reward

One of Cambridge’s many good sorts was recognized last week with the gift of a $50 Good Union voucher, donated by the local restaurant for a competition organised by Cambridge Rotary. The Good Sorts with…

New bike track officially open

Cambridge Primary School opened their new bike and scooter tracks with a roar on Friday as scooters, bikes and even motocross riders took to the track. Cambridge’s world-class BMX star Sarah Walker was on hand…

Wandering Poppy returns

Cambridge’s globetrotting wedding celebrant, journalist and yoga teacher, Poppy Wortman, is back in town for the summer. Fourteen weddings booked and more in the pipeline have called the wandering Poppy home after six months abroad,…

Death and Taxe$ at Gaslight

The Gaslight Theatre’s latest show has a little bit of everything for everyone – classic farce flair, animated antics, spooky themes, cleaver comedy, but with a heap of sexual references you wouldn’t want to take…

Hydrofoil bike revealed

After years of development and hard work, Tamahere-based company Manta5 publicly revealed the prototype of their innovative on-water hydrofoil e-bike, Hydrofoiler XE-1, at the Big Boys Toys expo in Auckland last weekend. The team, which…

Coffee with a Cop comes to Cambridge

The new Western Waikato area commander for the Police, Inspector Andrew Mortimore, was on hand along with other Waikato Police staff at the Coffee with a Cop event in Cambridge last week, held at the…

Students inspired by Zuru competition

Months of work on a school project creating a children’s toy has paid off for two Year 9 students at St Peter’s School, who were awarded first place, along with a $500 and a prize…

Oakdale thanks community

Ultimate Care Cambridge Oakdale’s newly renovated dementia unit opened its doors to the public on Tuesday to showcase the new wares as well as thank the community for their contributions toward the project. Activities coordinator…

Lake tracks on the mend

Some of the walking tracks running up and down the banks of Lake Te Ko Utu have recently been upgraded in time for summer. Near record rain downpours in the area had softened the ground…

Kaha Recovery kits earns Award

  A group of St Peter’s students came away from the Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) Regional Awards on October 26 with the prestigious Innovation Award, recognising their creative expertise in making their sports product known…

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