Local News

Resthaven’s craft room open to all

The craft room at Cambridge Resthaven’s Village Centre has been enjoyed by residents and creative folk since the centre opened in October 2015, and patrons hope to see more locals and community groups make the…

Builder steps up with new roof

After donating some building labour to the Cambridge Playcentre on Vogel St as part of a Facebook promotion, Kit Markin Homes has stepped up to help with a new roof.  General manager Josh Jennings explained…

Goodbye, plastic bags

Following a massive sewing effort by Plastic Bag Free Cambridge, and some woodworking skills by a couple of volunteers, three reusable bag stands are now in place around Cambridge.  Launched on Saturday, the stands at…

Free legal clinic

Citizens’ Advice Bureau (CAB) Cambridge is starting up a free legal clinic in town, run by local lawyers who are giving their time to provide the service. The clinics will be held on Wednesdays from 9-10am…

Keeping young people safe online

The challenge of raising a child in the digital age is a regular topic of concern for many parents. The nature of children’s interactions online, and the platforms that they are using, change rapidly and…

Dead ducks and fish causing stink

Community concern is growing over dead ducks and fish accumulating in Lake Te Ko Utu over the weekends, when council contractors are off duty.  Cambridge resident Shannon Wilson said she took her kids for a…

Cambridge’s new heads of school

Many families around Cambridge adjusted back to school life over the last fortnight as students returned to the classroom for 2018. The two local high schools have reported the highest ever number of students on…

Meet Cambridge News’ owner, David Mackenzie

It’s been a year since David Mackenzie bought Cambridge News, joining the ranks of independent publishers responsible for 80 newspapers across the country. Notoriously media-shy for someone who owns a newspaper, he reluctantly sat down…

Ben Merito back in town

  It’s been 10 years since Cambridge musician Ben Merito crossed the ditch to pursue his music career in Australia, but the town still has a special place in his heart.  “No matter how long…

Armistice sculpture in the works

A permanent commemoration of the liberation of the French town of Le Quesnoy in 1918 is to be placed at the entrance to the town, near St Andrew’s Church on Hamilton Rd. Standing over 5m…

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