Local News

Balloons to visit Waikato

  Cambridge will get its own taste of Balloons over Waikato next week when the iconic Hamilton-based event sends hot air balloons out to Lake Karapiro. At least five balloons will be at the Mighty…

Op shops not rubbish dumps

Op shops in Cambridge seem to have been treated more like landfill services than charity organisations recently, with an increasing number of cases where clearly unsellable items, as well as actual rubbish, are being dumped…

Think before you park

  Local resident and wheelchair athlete Maioro Barton has started an online movement, encouraging people to commit to not using mobility parks without a permit and to speak out when they see others misusing the…

Free health checks could save lives

Local men are being urged to pick up potential health snags early by getting a free “warrant of fitness” check at Friday’s Men’s Health Event at the Cambridge Baptist Church. Organising the event for the…

Pizzini’s Cambridge roots

Dave Pizzini, the man who beat four other challengers to win the Manurewa Local Board by-election by a healthy margin, has strong connections to Cambridge. The son of long-time locals Alison and Theo Pizzini, Dave…

Big plans for community house

  The Cambridge Community House has a pretty obvious problem – the two portable buildings out the front are spelling out the service’s need for more space.  Manager Joanne Turner (formerly MacLennan), who took over…

Big shoes to fill at gardens

A pillar of the Cambridge community has been forced to step back from his role at the Cambridge Community Gardens and hopes more people will help keep the spirit of the gardens alive and well….

Smart Water starts with next generation

Children’s performer Chris Lam Sam flew in from Wellington last week to teach Cambridge children about saving water through the Smart Water campaign, which aims to change how water is used and viewed. Smart Water…

Te Reo speaking parrots amaze

Cambridge’s Wayne Morris and his te reo Māori-speaking parrots come as a delightful surprise to those who hear them communicating – their mastery of imitation has amazed many. The much-loved Amazon parrots have been heard…

Rescue exercise in town

The Cambridge Volunteer Fire Brigade, St John and the Westpac Rescue Helicopter were put through their paces last week, staging a rescue exercise behind the Gaslight Theatre on Alpha St. The scenario saw two injured…

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