Local News

Big winner in performing arts

St Peter’s student Jack Dams has brought home a stack of trophies from the 2018 Tauranga Festival of Performing Arts competition held during the school holidays. The modest Year 9 student said it was fun…

Cookbook to cut waste

Waipa District Council has jumped on board with a national initiative to reduce food waste going to landfill. In Waipa around 26 per cent of what’s in household rubbish bags is food scraps.  Those bags…

2008-2018: Quite a decade for Cambridge

A single decade isn’t much across a town’s 150-year lifespan, but in Cambridge’s case, the years 2008 to 2018 have bordered on exceptional. Growth has become the buzzword of the day.  The population 10 years…

Cambridge Community Board update

Cambridge Community Board chairman Mike Pettit shares highlights from the board’s meeting earlier this month… It was fantastic to hear from seven residences at the recent public forum. Topics covered included Christmas decorations for the…

Tech event a hit

Nyriad’s women-in-tech event in Auckland last month proved to be a success, with a number of participants taking part. Held July 26 in conjunction with She#, the event aimed to encourage people, especially women, to…

Marking her 100th in style

Kathleen Marking was ceremonially clapped into her own 100th birthday party at Cambridge’s Moxon Centre on August 5. The crowd – made up of visiting family, friends and Selwyn St Andrew’s Village folk – was…

Pony winners in Matariki Dish Challenge

The fourth annual Matariki Dish Challenge took place over June 9 to July 14 with winners announced last week. The event, organised by Waikato Food Inc, sees restaurants and cafes around the region enter their…

Fuel bunker gets spruce up

Members of the community were out in force recently, painting the concrete pump house above the Te Koo Utu Lake car park. The structure was once attached to an aviation fuel depot during World War…

Boys’ breakkie with Liam

More than 90 lads, dads, granddads and other significant males enjoyed breakfast at Cambridge Primary on Wednesday last week, joined by a special guest, rugby player Liam Messam. The breakfast was a chance for senior…

Teachers set to strike

Failing a last-minute agreement in mediation, primary school classrooms across Cambridge and the rest of the country will fall silent next Wednesday, August 15, as primary teachers and principals strike for the day. Initially scheduled…

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