Local News

Mobility Scooters in spotlight

Life Unlimited is running a Mobility Scooter Safety Awareness Day this Wednesday, November 28, as concern grows over safety of the vehicles, some of which can reach over 40kmh. There is currently no speed limit…

Cambridge shines bright at awards

Cambridge came away with more than its fair share of accolades from last week’s Waipā Networks District Sports Awards, with our athletes, coaches and administrators cleaning up at the ceremony on Monday night. The awards…

MP goes into bat for expressway

Taupō MP Louise Upston appeared before the Select Committee considering the extension of the Waikato Expressway recently, presenting a petition with 3,953 signatures in support of the proposed work that is currently under reconsideration by…

Night for women who bother

Cambridge women enjoyed a fun night out recently, hearing inspirational stories of other women and contributing to the Waikato Women’s Fund in the process. The Inspirational Women’s Evening was hosted by radio personality Camille Guzzwell…

Record fundraising by Jumble Around

Jumble Around has reached a milestone in more ways than one this year. The not-for-profit charity op shop, which puts 100 percent of its profits back into the local community, recently released its biggest ever…

MPs visit early childhood centres

Two National MPs made visits around Cambridge on Friday last week. Our local MP for the Cambridge/Taupo electorate Hon. Louise Upston hosted Nicola Willis from Wellington, National’s spokesperson for Early Childhood Education, for a public…

Hit and run totals car

A young Cambridge woman has been left shaken after a hit and run last week, when a vehicle ploughed into the side of her car as she was making her way along Shakespeare St towards…

YES to business success

Two innovative business products which featured in the November 2 issue of Cambridge News have scored awards at the recent Young Enterprise Scheme Regional Awards. Bianca Rayner, a member of St Peter’s business team Get…

Blackadder good night out

Blackadder Goes Forth is now playing at the Gaslight Theatre, Claire Robson went along to check it out. A massive Blackadder fan, I was excited to go and check out this show and I was…

New manager for CCH

Harriet Dixon’s role as the newly-installed manager at Cambridge Community House (CCH) takes on particular importance as the organisation braces to meet fast-growing demand. Just days into the job, Harriet said last week that referrals…

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