Local News

Council gets a backlash

Waipā District Council’s reputation has taken a big hit in the latest annual residents’ survey. Satisfaction with the council’s performance plummeted from 40 per cent in 2020 to 27 per cent in the financial year…

Final call for longstanding RSA man   

Ray Moncur, one of Cambridge’s enduring veterans and a man known for his links to the town’s sporting communities, has died aged 102.  Ray was one of the few who were awarded life membership to the Cambridge Returned Services Association (RSA).  When family gathered to celebrate his June 7 centenary in 2019, he was acutely aware that the…

Board funding revealed 

Cambridge Community Board has $60,000 available as part of its Community Discretionary Fund for not-for-profit groups and organisations offering services and support to Waipā communities. Applications will open on February 7 next year and close March 19. Priority will be given to…

Lions’ contribution grows 

This year could be a fundraising record-breaker for the Cambridge Lions, with over $205,600 already funnelled into the community since January and more than $17,300 donated in grants during July alone. Those figures are after…

Reform: dead in the water? 

Another local Government leader has voiced his opposition to the Government’s Three Waters plan – as district council mayors talk about referenda on the issue. Waikato Regional Council chair Russ Rimmington says his council has…

Board backs council review

Cambridge Community Board supports Waipā District Council’s representation review proposals. Cambridge will have one less elected councillor and both the Cambridge and Maungatautari wards will expand so that each councillor in the town will represent…

So good to be back at Level 2 

Cambridge parents Tarsha and Matt Makgill are excited about the district’s move to Alert Level 2 this week, which has come just as cabin fever was beginning to set in at their home. The couple…

‘People in Wellington need a rocket’

Anger as Ministry lets people ‘fall through the gaps’ Details about Waipā residents in need of help during last year’s lockdown have been wiped from the council’s emergency database because of Privacy Act regulations. Emergency…

No place like ……. home

Actor and musician Joel Tobeck, who has carved out an illustrious career in the USA, Australia and New Zealand, wants to put a one-man show on at the Cambridge Gaslight Theatre. He could test the…

Cycleway fallout

Money ear-marked for consultation with residents over the controversial Hamilton Road dual cycleway has gone unspent and will go instead on promotional activities after its completion. Many residents, including Grey Street Dairy owner Wei Na…

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