Local News

Museum: battle lost – war goes on 

A charitable trust established in 2016 to drive a project to oversee the extension of the Cambridge Museum has been disbanded. The plug was officially pulled on the Cambridge Heritage Charitable Trust at its September…

Growing pains and gains 

‘We can’t just keep allowing greenfield developments; our communities and our environment can’t afford it.’ – Bill Wasley. A 30-year growth strategy for Waikato has been released for the public to comment on. Future Proof…

Ministry v Social media

The Health Ministry is facing a barrage of claims that the Covid vaccine is a tester for mass genocide, has left multiple people been in intensive care units and reports of deaths are removed from…

New backdrop for domain trains 

An ugly cream fence in Leamington Domain may be festooned in colour to ensure residents and visitors experience thought-provoking, culturally vibrant, enjoyable, challenging, and inspiring art. Behind the fence is a shipping container which contains…

Cycleway almost done 

Cambridge’s first two-way cycleway on Hamilton Road is nearly complete. The two cul-de-sacs at Hall and Grey Streets are now finished, cycleway lanes clearly marked, water taps installed and a new bus bay completed. Vigilant residents would…

Leave our water alone ……

Getting all six Cambridge-based Waipā District councillors together on the banks of the Waikato River early in the morning for a photograph is proof of just how against they are to the Three Waters Reform….

Covid spreads south

The Government has responded to the spread of Covid from Hamilton by announcing a Super Saturday of vaccinations on Saturday October 16 – rather than new Lockdown levels. Cambridge was on tenterhooks yesterday morning after…

Our tamariki deserve the best future

  By Nanaia Mahuta I recently attended a mass community vaccination event at Hopuhopu in Ngaruawahia “Aio Nuku, Aio Rangi”. Targeted at the wider Waikato region, it was great to see the so many whānau…

Covid moves south

October 7, 2021 – Waipā will be in level 3 lockdown from 11.59pm today. There are 29 Covid cases in the community today, including five in Waikato – prompting the current boundary to be extended…

Teaming up for a doctorate 

By Stephen Ward Three Te Wānanga o Aotearoa staff have been awarded doctorates in raranga – traditional Māori weaving – after joined-up study through Auckland University of Technology’s Te Ipukarea Research Centre. It’s seen as…

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