Local News

Bridge passes muster 

Cambridge’s Victoria Bridge has passed its latest warrant of fitness – but it will require work to ensure it passes the next one. Concerns have been raised about the state of the century old bridge….

Going Dutch again

Cambridge’s popular Dutch market will be back running next week; the first since July. The market’s aim has always been to help people of Dutch descent connect with each other and for other residents to…

‘Another bottle store’ coming 

The Waipā District Licensing Committee appears almost certain to rule against a tide of public opposition to a Cambridge liquor store and grant an off-licence with conditions. The committee met in Te Awamutu last week…

Achievement house reopens

Like many organisations partially reliant on a charitable hand, Cambridge’s Achievement House has felt the effects of Covid. The disability enterprise re-opened this week after a stop-start year which left its workers feeling anxious and confused.  Events…

Town Hall will see the light 

There could be increased opportunities to light up the Cambridge Town Hall and the Clock Tower for events outside of the traditional commemoration days. Cambridge Community Board members Elise Badger and Alana Mackay will work…

Coles warned over conflict of interest

A Waipā district councillor earned himself a strong rebuke from mayor Jim Mylchreest last week for lobbying for an organisation the Cambridge representative had declared a conflict of interest with. Philip Coles is a member…

Covid in time capsules

The Covid lockdown memories of a group of Year Nine students at Cambridge High School are now frozen in time and what they wrote and produced about the pandemic proved quite an eye opener for…

Vandalism in Waipā

Vandalism continues to be a major issue at Waipā facilities throughout the district. Vandals hit sites hard from July at Kāniwhaniwha Reserve, Pukemako and Bulmer’s Landing, Community Services acting manager Brad Ward told the Strategic Planning and Policy committee meeting this…

Councils go into bat 

A collaborate approach between three Waikato councils has been established to protect the country’s only native land mammals. Pekapeka-tou-roa was a controversial, but clear winner of the 2021 New Zealand bird of the year and, are found throughout…

Clocking on… 

Time has been standing still in Cambridge and Kihikihi – but not for much longer. Waipā District Council stopped winding Cambridge’s iconic clock when the town went into lockdown, and it stalled at 6.09 ever since. Staff stopped winding…

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