Local News

News ….. in brief

Cambridge Police investigating a spate of vehicle thefts and recent burnouts around the township have identified two youths. Early on Wednesday, September 25 a stolen ute was used to perform a series of burnouts on…

Bayly’s early heads up

Local authorities and small business owners who invoice government agencies can expect quicker payment from January, Port Waikato MP Andrew Bayly let slip at a luncheon fixture four days before the official announcement last week….

Council rejects fluoride plea

Waipā District Council is ignoring Te Awamutu-Kihikihi Community Board’s request to push back against the Director General of Health’s directive to introduce fluoride to Cambridge water. Board deputy chair Kane Titchener asked the council to…

All that jazz

Hunter Davis was so wary of overcommitting himself, he almost declined an invitation to join Cambridge High School’s junior jazz band as a year 9 student in 2022. Now, he’s so glad he took the…

Top award for Evelyn

For Evelyn Winter, dance is an adrenaline rush. “Backstage, sometimes I feel so nervous I feel like I’m going to be sick,” she said. “But when they call your name, your mind kind of goes…

Amazing Grace

For Grace Gillanders, committing to a career in the music industry is as terrifying as it is exhilarating. “Sometimes I have self-doubt,” the 17-year-old bass guitarist said. “I think, am I good enough to be…

Kiwifruit consent granted

A retrospective resource consent has been granted to Kiwifruit Investments Ltd to construct crop protection structures and vegetated shelterbelts at 1278 Kaipaki Rd. Public notification was unnecessary, Waipā District Council ruled, because no person is…

Call to return to ‘old school’

Bring back local discussion groups. That’s the message dairy farmers have for DairyNZ’s new chief executive Campbell Parker and chair Tracy Brown. The industry good organisation took local discussion groups online during the pandemic and…

‘World order is changing’

Trade tariffs of up to 20 per cent on all imported goods could follow the re-election of Donald Trump to the presidency of the United States. In a report going to Federated Farmers Waikato Executive…

Rock stars reveal Karioi facts

A come-and-go lake near Raglan has been declared the oldest in New Zealand. Lake Disappear – Mokaikaraka – is in a valley near Bridal Veil Falls dammed by lava flow 2.33 million years ago. It…

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