Local News

Junior vaccinations start

Ethan Twaddle was one of 1220 Waikato tamariki vaccinated against Covid-19 with the child version of the Pfizer vaccine on Monday. The nine-year-old Cambridge Primary School student was a little apprehensive but quickly recovered to…

The millionaires’ club

Cambridge has joined the million-dollar housing club and outside of six suburbs in Hamilton, has the highest median house value in the Waikato. CoreLogic’s Mapping the Market Report released this week showed the median house…

Our own Dads’ Army

By Luke East Eight decades ago Cambridge’s very own Home Guard was protecting their patch from Nazi tyranny. The Cambridge Home Guard was formed in July 1940, following the example of the 1.5 million Brits…

Cambridge farewells museum manager 

After five years as Cambridge Museum manager, Kathryn Parsons has left to take up an appointment in Hamilton. She will take up a role this month as research librarian for Hamilton City Library’s Heritage Collection….

History is in the cupboard… 

Whenever someone asked Cambridge High School library manager Glenys Bichan for some historical information about their time at the school, she would head to a “Harry Potter” like cupboard and begin the mammoth effort to…

Heavy rain damages track

A track and crossing below the Victoria ‘High Level’ bridge was damaged during heavy rainfall on December 28. Waipā District Council says it was unaware of any other damage caused by the storm and would…

Karāpiro draws the numbers 

The Karāpiro camping ground was a popular place for holidaymakers during the holiday break and site manager Liz Stolwyk says the busiest day came on January 2. Roger and Jo Blunt, who live on the…

Christmas was mean…

’Twas the season to be tagging, and dumping. The News camera found it easy to pick up evidence of festive season fly tipping and graffiti over the holiday break. Taggers took to the fence around…

Bureau looks for new blood 

If you are the one people always looks to for help or advice, have highly-tuned problem solving skills and communicate well, then Cambridge needs you. Volunteers operate the Cambridge Citizens’ Advice Bureau in Alpha Street from Monday to…

Liquor outlet gets approval

A new bottle store will open in Cambridge’s Victoria Street, but it will not look like a liquor outlet from the outside. The Waipā District Licensing Committee gave permission to an off-licence application on December…

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