Local News

The right way round… 

There is overwhelming support in Cambridge for a proposed roundabout at the State Highway One/29 Piarere intersection, if visitors to an information stand in the town on Tuesday are any indication. Te Waka Kōtuia Engagement and Partnerships communications…

Shell shock

When Cambridge High School library manager Glenys Bichan popped into school this week to get ready for a new school year, there on her desk was a mounted shell case from the HMS Achilles missing…

Vax rates top table 

Waipā continues to lead the region in Covid vaccinations. By Tuesday, 97 per cent – or 35,735 of the district’s population – were fully vaccinated. Nearly 9700 had received their booster vaccination. Figures were not available…

Meet Dione’s pet projects

If there is a female version of Doctor Dolittle, then Cambridge 14-year-old Dione Bax would easily fit the bill. Stray animals and birds make a bee-line for her mother Kylie’s boutique stud farm in Hautapu…

Running into Omicron

Waipā residents wasted little time on Sunday responding to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s announcement the country was moving into Covid red. Queues at vaccination centres and supermarkets started within minutes of the 11am announcement, leaked…

Pumping iron for the planet  

After bringing a new kind of ice cream to Cambridge in 2017, entrepreneur turned personal trainer Tom Montgomerie has cooked up another cool idea. The former St Peter’s School student now wants to raise $5000…

Repelling the Wallabies

Australian marsupials introduced in acts of extraordinary folly are headlined by the brushtail possum. After they were released in 1837 to create a fur trade, their numbers peaked at around 70 million. They have fallen…

Talking Piarere

Waka Kotahi staff will  front up to shoppers in Cambridge next Tuesday to discuss the proposed solution to one of the region’s biggest black spots. The intersection of State Highway 1 and 29 at Piarere is…

Riders raise warnings over cycleway

A car with an out-of-town driver leaving one of Cambridge’s motels allegedly hit a cyclist riding along the Hamilton Road Cycleway on Tuesday. Details of the incident appeared on social media posts with the cyclist…

What’s in a building’s name?

New Zealand-born cycling giant and now Swiss-owned cycling manufacturer Avanti will continue getting free publicity in Waipā, even though its 10-year naming rights deal with the Cambridge Velodrome has ended. The National Cycling Centre of…

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