Local News

 Howard Martin, meet Howard Martin 

Was it a simple mix up or divine intervention? Howard Martin was at Gentle Dental Cambridge waiting to see Dr Firas Adheem on November 2 when the door opened. “I heard this other man come…

Public bins a recycling flop 

Putting recycling bins in public places is a “very expensive way to get low value recycling”, says the woman responsible for Waipā District Council’s waste minimisation. Sally Fraser was responding to a suggestion by Cr…

Projects get funding 

Eight groups have received grants from Waipā District Council’s $40,000 Waste Minimisation community fund. The projects range from an education campaign around what makes a good donation to charity shops to clothes swapping events. Group…

Sanctuary Mountain draws in the crowds 

Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari attracted 13,500 visitors in the last financial year – just fractionally down on pre-Covid numbers. In a year where visitors were almost exclusively domestic, 56% came from the Waikato region, 17 per cent from Auckland and 10 per…

The worst of our weeds 

On Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari the work to protect our native wildlife also involes understanding the native flora they live on. And just as there is an ongoing battle to keep out the introduced mammals which…

Artists revive exhibition, to go ahead this Sunday

This week’s shift in Covid levels has given the green light to an exhibition of art which was shelved earlier this month with the cancellation of the Rotary Cambridge Garden Festival. The 2021 garden festival…

Driver ignores bridge warnings 

A small refrigerated truck hit the barrier leading into Cambridge’s Victoria Street (High Level) Bridge last week resulting in damage to signs. Video from the recently installed CCTV cameras pointed at the bridge enabled Waipā District Council…

Focus stays on i-Site

The Te Awamutu and Cambridge i-Sites will continue to receive funding from Waipā District Council for another 18 months but will have to define their promotional roles to avoid clashing with Hamilton and Waikato Tourism….

Quarry plan revealed

Plans for a giant quarry in Cambridge have been released to The News by Waipā District Council after neighbours revealed they are hiring a Queen’s Counsel to try and stop the development. The proposed sand…

Businesses reopen in Level 2, new Covid case in Cambridge

17 November 1.05pm There is a new reported Covid case in Cambridge, Waikato DHB reported today. There were five new cases confirmed in the Waikato overnight. Two were from Ōtorohanga, one from Te Kūiti, one…

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