Local News

Will you vote?

Waipā posties have delivered 39,608 voter packs around the district – but it’s likely many won’t be sent back. Te Awamutu postie Nicola Connolly and Cambridge’s Raewyn Smythe were incredulous when The News told them…

Tribute to the Queen

Cambridge Town Hall was a mass of colour in a stunning four-day light show honouring Queen Elizabeth at the weekend. The hall featured images from her and Prince Philip’s New Year’s Day 1954 visit to…

Cambridge Police base opens

Along with one of the fanciest fire stations in the country, Cambridge can now say that it has one of the fanciest police stations, says Waipa deputy mayor Liz Stolwyk. “And we couldn’t be prouder…

Who’s really faking it?

Cambridge News editor Roy Pilott has today refuted suggestions his newspaper invented a story in which Waipā chief executive Garry Dyet warned election candidates about a financial storm brewing. Mayoral candidate Chris Woodhams has posted…

‘One size’ plan criticised 

Waipā mayor Jim Mylchreest has made a personal submission on criticising Draft National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity. The draft NPS-IB sets out how to identify Significant Natural Areas (SNA’s) which must be protected, including…

Refugees’ angst laid bare 

Driven by fear to seek asylum, refugees trying to assimilate anywhere outside their home country, including in New Zealand, are beset with struggles specific to their situation. Many feel disempowered and confused, overwhelmed by a…

School stuck by a stick… 

Cambridge High School has another historic mystery on its hands. A woman dropped off an old hockey stick to the school last week but any story attached to it was lost when she did not…

Rural highways get upgrades 

Rural highways are being upgraded as part of a programme targeting high-risk routes for motorcyclists. The $6.3 million safety improvements on sections of 25 rural roads are part of a joint venture between ACC and…

More ‘misery’ on the way 

The Government is about to pile “up to $100 million of unnecessary compliance costs onto farmers” because its freshwater regulations are more than a year overdue, National’s Agriculture spokespeople Barbara Kuriger and Joseph Mooney say….

Election papers in the post

Voting will be a little easier this year, with the introduction of new orange ballot boxes at some Waipā supermarkets throughout the 2022 Local Government election period. The ballot bins will be distributed to the…

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