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The genesis of racism 

The word ‘race’ as a noun has a number of meanings. There is of course the ‘race’ you run, a competition, and if you win you celebrate, if you lose you commiserate.  Then there is…

A solid gold moment for James

Student James Morgan got to hold the Lexus Melbourne Cup when it visited Cambridge Middle School during a whistle-stop tour of New Zealand last week – and found it a heavy responsibility. He had to…

One club to rule them

A Cambridge entrepreneur is selling his web design business to focus on a new golf club, designed by his father. Jamie Moore, 35, is the founder of Bronte, a web design company that creates and…

Consents up, time down 

Waipā council staff are catching up with processing consents and taking less time to do so, District Growth and Regulatory Services manager Wayne Allan told this week’s Strategic Planning and Policy committee. In the quarter…

Carter’s Flat to be developed 

The image of Cambridge’s iconic Carter’s Flat is of an area where industrial and commercial activity is to the fore. But in a proposed change to the Waipā District Plan, the 20ha of land looks…

Locks of love from Tommy 

A Cambridge 11-year-old whose mother died and was brought back to life has gone to great lengths to thank the Waikato Westpac Rescue Helicopter crew that helped save her. Tommy Peters handed over a $16,300…

Quarry consent work delayed 

The resource consent for a controversial Waipā quarry has stalled while planners acting for the district council seek further substantial information.  Beacon Hill Contracting was to provide the information by June 30, but its consultants…

A drive-by catch 

I wanted to share some good catches made by the team over the last few weeks. A male from out of town tried to steal two televisions from a retailer. He was confronted by store…

‘Menacing’ dog numbers up 

Waipā’s menacing and dangerous dog population has increased, Animal Control statistics released this week for the year ended June 30 show. The district has 135 menacing dogs – up from 118 the previous year. Menacing…

A pinup, rockabilly tech geek

Cambridge’s Helen Hansen has to be one of the ballsiest shooting stars this town can claim. She’s our own version of the ‘Big Bang’s Bernadette’, a little bit rockabilly and a lot more besides. When…

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