Council’s stance criticised

The man behind the plan to build a waste to energy plant in Te Awamutu has spoken out against Waipā District Council’s objection to the project.

An artist’s impression of the proposed plant. 

Global Contracting Solutions managing director Craig Tuhoro took to social media to express disappointment at Waipā mayor Susan O’Regan’s comments on the Paewira Energy-from-Waste project at a workshop.

Susan O’Regan

O’Regan said the council had to consider the worst-case scenario if the plant was to be built, particularly on the proposed site, Racecourse Road, which is next to residential neighbourhoods and the Mangapiko Stream.

“I want some real focus on that, both on a personal level and a council mayoral level,” O’Regan directed staff on the council submission.

“The stakes are extremely high, and I want to make sure that the inquiry around those negative impacts isn’t just limited to the neighbouring streets.”

The council is one of hundreds of objectors to the plan that goes before a Board of Inquiry next year.

Tuhoro said his company had been engaged with district council planners for three years via external consultant reports as that is how the Resource Management Act is applied.

“At no stage have we had an opportunity to engage with the mayor or councillors since they were elected to showcase the opportunity this development affords the community,” he said.

“We would also like to remind the council we were invited to bring the project to this region by former mayor Jim Mylchreest,” Tuhoro said. “Maybe the people need to bring this kind man back who obviously cared about the environment not just politics.”

Jim Mylchreest

Mylchreest denied the claim.

“That is not my recollection at all,” he said. “I do recall having a discussion with them. I would have been very neutral on it. It was obviously going to have to go through a resource consent process. As a governing body we have to be careful not to take a position on it.”

Tuhoro said the world needs innovative solutions to waste management and climate change and “Paewira is just that”.

“It utilises technology that has been proven around the world to be safe, reliable and contribute to higher levels of resource recovery than New Zealand could achieve without it. The technical submissions we are required to make reinforce this.”

He was disappointed the council had taken its position without exploring the opportunity deeper.

“What if Te Awamutu in five years could become the first zero-carbon township in the country, with zero waste going to landfill, poisoning Papatuanuku in someone else’s backyard, and have the highest recycling contribution in the country?

“Perhaps that would be a leadership position on waste and recycling that a community could engage with rather than be mis-led by disinformation and scaremongering.”

Craig Tuhoro


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