A word from Bruce

Bruce Rowe had the Prime Minister’s ear when Christopher Luxon sat down next to him at Mystery Creek.

Federated Farmers Restoring Farmer Confidence Tour, with Prime Minister Christopher Luxon watched by Federated Farmers’ president Wayne Langford at Mystery Creek Events Centree, Hamilton. Photo: Stephen Barker.

The former dairy farmer, who now breeds cattle near Cambridge, was joined by the Prime Minister at the Federated Farmers Restoring Farmer Confidence Tour before Luxon took to the stage.

It was a brief discussion filled with niceties, but Rowe also took the opportunity to talk to Minister of Agriculture Todd McClay to push for a review of the legislation that led to the formation of dairy giant Fonterra in 2001.

“It has been a disaster since day one,” Rowe said of the legislation. “I am very supportive of Fonterra. It’s the backbone of the country. When I see competition, it riles me. It’s got right out of hand.”

Rowe was particularly concerned with foreign owned entities competing with Fonterra in New Zealand.

“I believe in looking after Kiwis and the land,” he said.

Rowe thought he got a favourable hearing, with assurance from McClay that the Dairy Industry Restructuring Act would be reviewed next year.

“He said he would look at it,” Rowe said.

The act requires the Minister of Agriculture to undertake periodic reviews, including the state of competition in the dairy processing sector, must be initiated after July 31 next year, with a report presented to Parliament no later than June 1, 2027.

The terms of the review will require Cabinet approval and stakeholders will expect full and transparent consultation.

Waipā farmer Bruce Rowe has a discussion with Prime Minister Christopher Luxon at the Federated Farmers Restoring Farmer Confidence Tour.

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