Lions like Leos

The Cambridge Lions Club has celebrated the hard work done by their Leos over the past year.

Cambridge Leos at the presentation, pictured with Cambridge Lions president Brent Montgomerie and Leos advisor, Judy Costello, at rear left. Photo: supplied

The support given to Lions by their junior members was praised at the recent end-of-year prizegiving evening held at Cambridge High School.  The Leos club is based there under the steerage of the school’s youth advisor and Leo advisor, Judy Costello. She said the Leos meet with her once a week during their lunchtimes.

“They generously give up their own time to fundraise for a wide range of local charities and they also offer their service at many school events. The Cambridge Lions are so proud of their achievements this year, and of the support they offer the club,” she said.  “Some of the Leos can be seen regularly helping in the Lions Food Caravan. They also join us at the Christmas Parade and help at the Children’s Christmas function.  The club truly values this group of students and we offer them fully sponsored places on Hillary Outdoor Camps.”

Cambridge Lions president Brent Montgomerie and Leos advisor Judy Costello, left, presenting the Lions Leo award for 2024 to Kaitlin McGuire. Photo: supplied

The event saw the 2024 Leos office bearers acknowledged, including outgoing Leos president Liam Dobson whose dedication and organisational skills were particularly noted.

Outgoing vice-president Zak Neville, treasurer Alyssa Eady, and secretaries Evie Axcell and Georgia Betrand, were also acknowledged.

During 2024, Leos raised $4730 funds for six charities – up considerably on the $2450 raised last year.

The award for Best Attendance at meetings went to Zak Neville and Yuka Yokos, Best Attendance Award at events went to Evie Axcell, and the award Leo of the Year went to Pippa Owsley.

The Lions Leo of the Year went to Kaitlin McGuire for her contribution to the Leos, and for her support in the food caravan.

“We see her as a leader in the future,” said Costello.

Incoming Leo leaders for 2025 are Evie Axcell as president, Zak Neville as vice-president,  Alyssa Eady as treasurer and Pippa Owsley as secretary.

Attending the event alongside the Leos and their families was Cambridge Lions president Brent Montgomerie, Cambridge High School assistant principal Marcel Kuijpers, Leos advisor Judy Costello and her husband Tony Costello.

Leos leaders for 2025, from left, president Evie Axcell, vice-president Zak Neville, treasurer Alyssa Eady, and secretary Pippa Owsley. Photo: supplied

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