More on fluoride
I suggest Jack Sharman (Letters, November 7) read the Community Board Agenda item on fluoridation from the October 2024 meeting. The most recent scientific research is laid out in detail. The latest science is the NTP fluoride neurotoxicity report published in August 2024, the Cochrane Collaboration report published in October 2024 and the US Federal Court Ruling September 2024 which ruled that fluoride “poses an unreasonable risk of reduced IQ in children”.
It is obvious now that fluoridation is unsafe and ineffective. Not one country in continental Europe fluoridates their water supply for good reason. The Ministry of Health have been wrong about plenty of health issues over the years. Fluoridation is yet another one of these sad cases where they have failed to remain current on the latest science. It’s beyond time that fluoridation is stopped. Cambridge is facing mandatory medication and it needs to be stopped.
Kane Titchener, Deputy Chair,
Te Awamutu and Kihikihi Community Board
Mind your own business
I strongly support Jack Sharman (letters, November 7) and his comments, but suggest the entire [fluoride] topic needs a much wider review with more than one set of views.
What I object to most firmly is that the Te Awamutu [and Kihikihi] Community Board, in my opinion had, and continues to have, no right to involve itself in activities beyond its defined geographic boundaries. Especially as they chose to take action with no reference to the local Cambridge Community Board.
As a voter in Leamington I strongly object to people, who I had no opportunity to vote for, advocating on matters on my behalf without me having an opportunity to comment. Council management and councillors should tell them to worry more about what is going on in their patch and let us worry about ours.
Murray Reid

Letters to Editor. Photo: Pixabay