Who will make the connection?

Waipā will host a national competition for the country’s top line mechanics and cable jointers later this month.

Lines companies Waipā Networks and The Lines Company will stage Annual Connection 2024 at Te Awamutu’s Castleton Park from October 22.

Cable jointers and line mechanic teams from energy companies around the country will compete over three days and be judged across a series of skill and expertise tests.

The executive director of infrastructure industry training provider Connexis, Kaarin Gaukrodger, says the electricity supply industry faces big challenges with the Government’s drive to reduce the country’s carbon footprint.

She says it is forecast the country will need an electricity supply workforce twice the current size to meet targets.

It’s suggested that as demand increases over the next 25 years electricity distribution companies will need to recruit an additional 150 people annually to manage this growth.

“Electrifying New Zealand’s economy is a key part of the government’s plan to grow our economy and reduce emissions to achieve Net Zero 2050.

Gaukrodger said that would also presents challenges for the industry in how it trains people to deliver on the increase in demand and changing skill requirements as new energy sources grow.

“Training our local workforce will be key as countries around the world are facing the same challenges for skilled workers to deliver on renewable energy development and maintenance. The good news is that it means more jobs for New Zealanders.”

For Te Kuiti based Lines Company the competition also provides an opportunity to retain its title as overall winner of the Line Mechanic Competition on home ground.

Hamilton based Wel Networks will also be competing and a supplier expo will also showcase new technologies.

Waipā Networks chief executive Sean Horgan says hosting event was an excellent way for the company to showcase its work in its own backyard.

“As a growing region here in Waipā, with an impending population boom, it brings home the importance of attracting new talent to meet these demands.”

The Lines Company team won the event last year – they were, from left, Wiremu Te Tawhero, Jordan Hughes Tallis Karaitiana, Shaun Edgerton, Dion Adams, and Shogun Haami.


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