The gift of a few hours’ pampering came the way of some mums last Saturday, thanks to the annual Magic Mums project run by Cambridge Altrusa Club.
The Magic Mums project, run by Altrusa Clubs around the country, offers mothers of children with special needs a few hours of spoiling.
On Saturday, they were treated to morning tea/coffee, a spin at a nail bar, a lunch at the home of Altrusa member Glenda Little with food made by her and other members, and afternoon tea. They also took home a cottage pie each with a bag of fruits and sweets for the family.
When Cambridge Altrusa’s De-ane Busby arrived in Cambridge in 2011, she joined the club and suggested they consider adopting the Magic Mums initiative which had become popular as part of the club she belonged to in Hawera. They agreed and ran their first one here in 2012.
This year’s pampered mums have youngsters who attend Cambridge Middle School.
They all said they enjoyed the day’s activities and found the networking involved to be extremely valuable.
The Cambridge Altrusa club is one of hundreds linked to Altrusa International, a service organisation for women with a particular focus on education and literacy.

Cambridge Altrusa president Alison Burr, left, and club member De-ane Busby, right, with three of the pampered mums Rebecca Williams, Danielle Watson and Stacey Kobus Photo: Viv Posselt