Looking for a water site

The Public Works Act may be enforced to find land for a new Karāpiro reservoir and pumpstation.

Martin Mould

Water Services manager Martin Mould told Waipā council’s Service Delivery committee this week the council had identified land on Maungatautari Road.

The council cannot use a high point at the northern end of Lake Karāpiro, 5km southeast of Cambridge, long-term because of its cultural significance.

It is a recorded archaeological site – Te Tiki o te Ihingarāngi – which was the home of Te Ihingārangi, tūpuna of Ngāti Koroki Kahukura and where Waikato Māori unsuccessfully engaged British troops under General Duncan Cameron in 1864.

“Staff are in the early stages of talking to a willing landowner, but also in parallel have undertaken high level scoping of suitable land parcels along Maungatautari Road in case we need to utilise the Public Works Act to secure an appropriate site in the future,” said Mould in a report to the committee.

The Karāpiro water plant – one of six Waipā operates to supply water to over 16,050 properties through 645 kilometres of water mains and pipes – is at its 14,000 cubic metres per day capacity.

Te Tiki o te Ihingarāngi. Photo: CFG Heritage Ltd

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