Letters to Editor – 12 September 2024

Māori wards

Susan O’Regan

In regard to Waipā mayor Susan’ O’Regan’s comments on the Māori ward issue and her resentment that the government is forcing a referendum on whether or not to continue with them where councils vote to do so. Is she saying she is comfortable denying New Zealanders the opportunity to have a say in the decision making around this?

The Government has taken this action to allow New Zealand the opportunity to have a say, something we were denied when the Māori wards were introduced by the previous government.

The mayor refers to the benefits of Māori wards including ‘seeing yourself have a place around the table, rather than be excluded’. ‘A Māori voice’, valuable Māori perspective’. This is all common sense stuff and highlights the rationale for a Māori perspective. No problem with any of these comments, but we do not need Māori wards to achieve any of this. Māori have the same opportunity to seek representation and offer these unique qualities as anyone else. Why do we think they need a special designated seat? Is the mayor suggesting Māori would not have the ability to be elected on their own merit?

The comments are insulting and akin to that of a helicopter parent who think ‘they know best’ guiding a child to think a certain way, denying them the opportunity to think for themselves. The wording suggests anyone who does not agree is racist.  I don’t buy it and neither do a lot of people in spite of the ‘apparent support’ for Māori wards. The referendum will decide and all I can say is bring it on.

Gwynneth Purdie

Te Awamutu

A must keep

As a community we must make a concerted effort to preserve the town’s history and our architectural history for future generations; this is the key to retaining the character of the town.

Cambridge is a wonderful town to live. The historic layout was planned – the town square with mature trees planted by many who came to live in the town in its formative years and who had vision and forth sight of how the town would eventually become.

The historic architecture of Cambridge is important ascetically to its character. As you enter the town you pass by the water tower that stands proud at the entrance to the town, further along Hamilton Road stands St Andrews Church, which dominates the corner leading into town and across the road from the church is the Thomas Wells Memorial Gates.

St Andrews church in the 1950s

The Cambridge Town Hall was placed in a prominent position and sits majestically overlooking the town, the amazing War Memorial and the Town Clock are situated in Jubilee Gardens. Take away anyone one of these elements you start to destroy the historic fabric of the town.

Also important, is the array of inter-war commercial and early domestic architecture that includes a diverse grouping of villas, cottages and bungalows. All these elements give the town its special character. Ebbing away at the edges destroys the important historic nature of our town and what makes Cambridge what it is today.

Jennie Gainsford

Daffodil Day

Daffodil Day collection in Cambridge

On August 30 the community of Cambridge came together in support of Daffodil Day.

You may be aware that Daffodil Day is the Cancer Society’s most important fundraiser. The funds we raise together help us continue our services for another year in the region, ensuring we are there to give support at the time it is needed the most.

But Daffodil Day is important for another reason as well. It unites the community, bringing us together to wear our daffodils in solidarity with those we know and love on the cancer journey.

I’d like to personally thank the Cambridge community for the support they have given us this Daffodil Day. I’d also like to acknowledge the many volunteers who donated their time to be on our collection stands.

I’d also like to express my gratitude to Debra Jenkins who put in dozens of hours of her time as volunteer coordinator in Cambridge and who is responsible for making sure the town was painted yellow.

Thank you all so much for being there for us this Daffodil Day. With your support, we can be there for the one in three with cancer with cancer in Cambridge.

Helen Carter

Chief Executive, Cancer Society Waikato/Bay of Plenty

Daffodil Day collection in Cambridge

Letters to Editor. Photo: Pixabay

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