Council gets say in power elections

Two Waipā councillors and a former district council staffer will rely on votes from mayor Susan O’Regan and chief executive Steph O’Sullivan to get onto the local electricity network trust.

Steph O’Sullivan

The council has 230 connections with Waipā Networks – 100 per cent owned by Waipā Networks Trust – acting group manager Business Support Georgina Knapp told councillors this week.

There are eight candidates for six positions on the trust including Philip Coles and incumbent Marcus Gower, both elected district councillors. The trust is chaired by Sarah Matthews who was the council’s Finance manager until July 2021 and now works at Taupō District Council as group manager Organisation Performance.

“In the view of council officers, it is important that council exercises its ability to vote in an effort to ensure good candidates are elected,” said Knapp.

Susan O’Regan

The trust has been operating with five trustees since last year when previous chair Craig Sanders resigned after moving to Dunedin.

The other trustees are Judy Bannon – who is standing down – Ray Milner and David McLean – Te Awamutu chartered accountant Jarrod Godfrey, Cambridge director Pip Kempthorne and Cambridge accountant Rollo Webb are also standing.

Voting papers were sent either by mail or electronically to the nearly 30,000 eligible customers about a fortnight ago. Voting closes at 5pm on Tuesday October 1.

Knapp recommended giving O’Regan and O’Sullivan delegated authority to cast Waipā council’s votes.

“They will do this with due regard to the skill and experience of the candidates, and the likelihood of the candidate to act in the interests of both council and the Waipā community as a whole,” she said.

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