Good for us, good for business

A $40 million injection to the Waipā economy was announced on Thursday morning, and hopefully I was not the only dairy farmer celebrating. To my wife’s amazement, I took my family out for a curry at a local restaurant.

Andrew Myers

Fonterra’s 50c per kilogram milk solids lift in forecast payout for this season is the cause for our joy. Around 80 million kilograms of milksolids are being produced in Waipā.

With what can so far be described as a near perfect 12 months of weather, this spring’s grass growth is ahead of target, cows are in better body condition, and farmers are ahead on production. On our farm we are 29 per cent ahead for this time of year. Our cows are one month away from their normal peak milk production, however we are already doing more milk than normal peak.  Farmers have been able to reduce use of stored silage, which instead they will be able to use during the dry of summer. All in all, worth writing about.

Interest rates, inflation and labour market tightness have been simultaneous challenges for all industries. It has been a nervous wait where we have just had to keep check on spending and the budget. While this is not over, it is good to see some sunshine coming through the clouds.

Fonterra is controlled and owned by New Zealand families who work hard every day to supply the best possible milk to our customers. We couldn’t do this without the local businesses who support us and help us along the way. All the returns made by Fonterra farmers flow back into the local economy and the rural communities. We hope this also brings a bit of support to local family businesses in town.

For other dairy farmers, there is some not so good news. Local Synlait suppliers face uncertainty about the future of who will be picking up their milk next week. Here’s hoping it all goes smoothly for them.

Overall, the pay increase is something to cheer about this week, before we batten down for the rest of what spring can throw at us. Bring it on!

  • Andrew Myers, a dairy farmer from Roto-o-rangi, is the Fonterra Co-operative Councillor for the Waipā ward.

Waiting patiently: Dairy cows ready for milking .

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