Art scene is alive and kicking

Anyone who thinks the art scene isn’t pumping in Cambridge is seriously misinformed.

The upcoming Art Alive exhibition in Cambridge Town Hall will have well over 120 pieces of work on show, most of them for sale.  All have been done by artists and potters who are among the Cambridge Society of Arts’ almost 80 members.

Photo: Pixabay

Many of them regularly frequent ‘The Painting Place’, the society’s studio in Thornton Rd.

The exhibition in the Town Hall – September 6 to 8, with an official opening on September 5 – is one of just two exhibitions the society holds annually.

The other is in March as part of the Cambridge Autumn Festival.

Cambridge Society of Arts (CSA) president Lynn Waters said September’s exhibition is for art society members only, while the March affair features work sent in from around the country.

CSA is a group of amateur and professional artists.  Aside from the time they put in at the studio, they also host workshops by visiting artists, exhibit their work at other local events, and hold children’s and school holiday classes.

They have recently opened The Painting Place on days that coincide with the Cambridge Lions Club’s Trash & Treasure Market Days.

Cambridge Society of Arts president Lynn Waters, left, with Linda Bannister, at front, and some of the other artists at work in The Painting Place. Photo: Viv Posselt

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