Tributes to Garry Dyet

Outgoing chief executive Garry Dyet attended his final Waipā District Council meeting last week and was given an emotional farewell by mayor Susan O’Regan.

New mayor sworn in, Susan O’Regan is congratulated by chief executive Garry Dyet at her swearing in 19 months ago. Photo: Mary Anne Gill.

Steph O’Sullivan

“This will be the last formal meeting that we will have Garry Dyet seating in the CE hot seat,” she said.

“Thanks for everything that you have done for the district and the organisation.

“This is the first of a number of lasts for you and also the start of a whole new chapter for you and Donna and your family.”

Dyet announced late last year he would retire from the council after 45 years mid this year.

He extended his stay beyond June 30 to prepare for new chief executive Steph O’Sullivan who starts on August 26.

Ken Morris

Deputy chief executive Ken Morris will be acting chief executive before then.

O’Regan said there would be other opportunities to farewell Dyet but chose to express her gratitude for his “support, guidance and steady brain” at the council meeting.

“(You have) made Waipā the great place it is to live,” she said.

Dyet finishes at the council on July 19.

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