Roundabout review released

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A peer review of the controversial Shakespeare Street roundabout did consider truck and trailer and semi-trailer vehicles in its comments on the design.

Safe System Solutions in Hamilton made 15 recommendations to Waipā District Council.

The sight distances for the new crossing points were compliant, they said.

The council released the report to The News following criticism of the design.

Safe System Solution – a global company with offices in Sweden, Australia and New Zealand – visited the site on a fine day in April.

“The proposed interim design aims to calm traffic speeds at the roundabout by increasing deflection and enhancing the visibility of the crossing.

Truckies say this roundabout in Shakespeare St, and one in Hautapu, are not fit for purpose.

“Additional measures include further calming traffic at the crossing point and providing adequate refuge space at the traffic medians for cyclists and pedestrians, which is currently lacking, particularly for cyclists, as it forces then to encroach into traffic lanes.

“These changes are designed to improve safety without compromising the potential for future comprehensive redesign efforts,” the peer review notes.

A truck and trailer unit negotiates the roundabout.

At that time Shakespeare Street traffic counts showed 13,000 vehicles a day – 7.6 per cent of them heavy vehicles – and Cook Street with 9388 vehicles, 11 per cent of them heavy vehicles.

The reviewers commented on the large volume of heavy commercial vehicles and that drivers were travelling into the roundabout without slowing down.

Contractors put finishing touches to the pedestrian crossing at Shakespeare Street. Pausing bars have since been added in the centre along with signage telling pedestrians and cyclists to give way. Photo: Mary Anne Gill.

The review said there were truck and trailer units of up to 22 metres and 19.45 metre semi-trailers regularly using the roundabout.

The design should not impede vehicular movements “while simultaneously tightening the roundabout to optimise speed reduction.”

The reviewers did not suggest moving the priority pedestrian crossing but did suggest adding a cycle holding rail at the crossing as well as additional signage.

See: Roundabout costs sought

See: Roundabout rukus

Download the peer review:

S20240137 – Shakespeare Street Safety and Design Review








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