News ….. in brief

Almost time…

The wrap, scaffolding and hoarding around Cambridge’s historic Town Clock is down, signalling the end to a $721,000 restoration project is near.

Scaffolding comes down from the Town Clock

Work has involved clock servicing, automation, hands and face refurbishment and restoration of roofing, internal and external surfaces, steelwork, electrical and rendering. The clock will return with its Westminster chimes sequence – the same as that used by Big Ben in London.

Scaffolding down, next the hoarding.

Behind closed doors

Councils who have been told by the Ombudsman’s office to be more open and not hide their debates behind “workshops” appear to have been given a new tool to discuss issues in secret. The Newsroom website has reported councillors in Auckland have been told they can avoid public gaze by holding “facilitated sessions”.

Cycleway users

The shared zone at the intersection of Grey Street and Hamilton Road Cycleway.

Pedestrians and cyclist numbers on Waipā pathways continues to rise. On Hamilton Road in Cambridge the 6713 for June was up 1876 on June last year.

Site winners

Waikato manufacturing sites were successful in Fonterra’s Best Site Cup awards in Auckland, including taking top honours for Waitoa, Waitoa UHT, Tīrau, and Lichfield sites. Hautapu was runner up to Waitoa for the best medium site and second in the Sustainability Cup. The annual awards for co-op’s sites cover a range of areas from sustainability, innovation, and efficiency.

Chamber plans

The Cambridge Chamber of Commerce is planning a workshop in mid-July to consider strategies to reinvigorate the central business district. It says data has revealed a “concerning trend of decreased pedestrian traffic”.

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