Back to Basics

A ‘back to basics’ Enhanced Annual Plan confirming an average rates rise of 14.8 per cent has been adopted by Waipā District Council for the financial year starting July 1.

The rates increase is the same as originally signalled in December, despite some changes being made after hearing submissions from the community. The projected $99.26 million in rates takes into account the expected level of growth in the number of rateable properties.

Susan O’Regan

Mayor Susan O’Regan said the financial challenges faced by the council as it was preparing the plan were unprecedented with inflation, depreciation and interest rate increases originally requiring a 16.1 per cent increase in rates funding alone.

“We had to dig deep to find savings and to strike a balance between meeting the costs of necessary renewals and maintenance, and planning for the future,” she said.

“Those challenges are likely to continue for some time yet and we’ve had to make some tough calls.”

Those calls included putting some major community projects on hold and making significant cuts to discretionary funding.

More than three-quarters of the budget will be spent on infrastructure including roads and footpaths, water treatment and supply, wastewater and stormwater. Less than a quarter will be spent on community and other support services.

“Some reserve funding has helped us reduce the impact on the community, and by putting the nice to have projects on the back burner – the increase isn’t anywhere near what it could have been,” O’Regan said.

There had been a good level of response during consultation with 292 submissions received and 30 people sharing their views in person during hearings.

Cambridge Water Tower

“We asked the community whether we had the balance right, and submitters were fairly split. Feedback was also sought on whether the Cambridge Water Tower should be removed or restored to address health and safety concerns.”

Of the 223 submissions received on the water tower, 62 per cent were in favour of its removal. Councillors agreed to apply for a resource consent for demolition. If the tower is then demolished, it is proposed to have a commemorative structure on the site and interpretive signage to mark the tower’s history.

“Despite agreeing to seek a resource consent for demolition we agreed to maintain an open mind to alternative courses of action should a more appropriate pathway emerge,” O’Regan said.

In response to submissions, the Cambridge Community Board, Te Awamutu Kihikihi Community Board and the Pirongia Ward Committee received small increases to their proposed funding.

Cambridge Town Hall in the autumn. Photo: Roy Pilott

The Cambridge Town Hall received an increase of $100,000 to be in line with their operating funding agreement and Destination Cambridge and Destination Te Awamutu each received a one-year grant of $30,000 to fund isite services on the condition they maintain their current online presence.

The focus was now shifting to preparing the 2025-34 Long Term Plan.

“As we now start preparing that plan, we will need to continue to be deliberate in our thinking as we plan the future for Waipā,” O’Regan said.

“Many of our challenges will remain the same. That means we need to continually be mindful of our financial restraints and the impact it is likely to have on our ratepaying community.”

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