Award for Mitre 10

Cambridge megastore Mitre 10 has been awarded the Rose Award by the New Zealand Down Syndrome Association for its inclusive employment practices.

Michael Dodds

The nomination came from Victoria Dodds whose son Michael, 23, has been working at the store since 2021 after his search for employment in the hospitality industry featured in The News.

“My son Michael has worked part time at Mitre 10 for three years and he loves it.

“The inclusion and support this company give him are incredible. He is included in all staff events, and he is supported by his manager Jan Storm,” Victoria said in her nomination.

Jan is a South African who worked in the diamond mines as a human resource employer and employed many with disabilities.

“Jan shared that he found disabled employees were loyal and trustworthy and they worked hard so he has continued to support people with disabilities in New Zealand,” she said.

The store supported World Down Syndrome Day in March with all staff wearing coloured socks. They invited Michael to work that day so he could share it with them.

Selwyn Cook

The association acknowledged Mitre 10 and said the store displayed a welcoming and inclusive working environment.

“We think you are amazing,” the association said in its citation.

The News’ part in Michael’s placement was instrumental. Mitre 10 owner Stephen Deverell saw an article about him in the newspaper and contacted Jan to contact disability employment facilitator Selwyn Cook to offer Michael a job.

“The conversations have all been around Michael’s ability and not any disability. This is how a truly inclusive employer thinks. … thank you, Mitre 10,” said Selwyn at the time.

Michael Dodds with Mitre 10 manager Jan Storm soon after he started at the store three years ago. Photo: Steph Bell-Jenkins.

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