Tower’s fate uncertain

The bricks will stay but the neglected metal tank and outdoor walkway framing could go.

That seems to be the fate of Cambridge’s historic Water Tower despite 62 per cent of the 223 submitters to Waipā District Council’s Enhanced Annual Plan happy to see the whole thing go.

Cambridge Water Tower

Others, including Grey Power, respected architect Antanas Procuta, Cambridge Community Board, Te Awamutu Business Chamber and Creative Waikato wanted to see it stay, with other options investigated, such as a targeted rate on Cambridge residents.

The 24m high tower’s Heritage New Zealand Historic Place Category two listing was first made in February 2010.

The 21-metre circular structure – built in 1902 with handmade bricks, hauled by an old black horse named Darkie – is a rare example of civil engineer Ashley John Hunter’s design work, being both decorative and functional.

Pigeons live in the Cambridge Water Tower

The bricks were laid in the English bond pattern, renowned for its strength, with decorative features that included a regular pattern of bluestone topped ventilation windows and several horizontal rows of brick dentil pattern.

Heritage NZ has approved capping the tower and replacing the frame, but sources say is unlikely to approve the bricks’ removal.

The council estimates it would cost more than $6 million to restore the tower and about $810,000 to demolish it.

Council’s preferred option is the lower cost one – councillors confirmed that this week at its enhanced plan hearings – but it has a potential fight on its hands with Heritage NZ saying it is a “rare example” of a brickwater tower and an “impressive landmark” greeting those arriving in Cambridge.

Internationally water towers are being increasingly recognised as important heritage landmarks that are rapidly disappearing. Invercargill has the only other registered example in New Zealand.

Cambridge Water Tower, circa 1910. Photo: Alexander Turnbull Library.

Cambridge Water Tower, 2023.

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