Rotary rocks the hall

A specially adapted performance of ‘Something Tells Me You’re in for Something Good’ by Cambridge Rotary’s own band, The Bruised Brothers knocked the socks off hundreds of Rotarians gathered in Cambridge last weekend.

The social evening at the Cambridge Town Hall was a precursor to the business events of the weekend – two days of an intensive programme put together by the Cambridge-based District 9930 Governor, Bill Robinson and held at Sir Don Rowlands Centre at Lake Karāpiro.

World champion at 16 – Sean Lurman demonstrating his mastery at the welcome social for Rotary conference delegates. Photo: Viv Posselt.

Hamilton-based guitar virtuoso, Sean Lurman, 17  – who was raised in Te Awamutu –  kicked off the entertainment segment of the weekend programme at the 2024 District 9930 Conference by playing at a social evening in the Town Hall.

His deft fingerwork – which last year saw him named world champion at an international performing arts event in Los Angeles – earned him rousing applause

District Governor Bill Robinson addressing guests, backed by the Bruised Brothers. Photo: Viv Posselt

The welcome social also presented an opportunity for members to meet visiting Rotary International President representative Johnny Yu from the Philippines, who was here for the event with his wife Veronica.

Robinson welcomed all those attending and thanked Dave Blewden for helping him pull the event together over the past three years.

“We had a strategic plan from day one … and now here we are,” he said.

Cambridge Rotary Club president David Partis said the occasion was made particularly memorable as this was the first time in years that the local club was hosting the club of the District Governor.

“The last time that happened was in 2008 when John Tarbutt was District Governor and Andrew Bateman was club president,” he said. “I am very honoured to do that here tonight.”

Rotary International President representative Johnny Yu and his wife Veronica were here from the Philippines for the conference. They are seen here with Rotary District 9930 Governor Bill Robinson and Cambridge Rotary Club president David Partis. Photo: Viv Posselt

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