Community stalwart Rob Feisst was farewelled at the Cambridge Town Hall this week following his death in Waikato Hospital on May 21 at the age of 79.

Grinter’s undertaker Jim Goddin with Cambridge and Districts Pipe Band major Gordon Carter lead the hearse away from Cambridge Town Hall after Rob Feisst’s funeral service. Photo: Viv Posselt.
His death leaves a void among those running numerous community organisations and clubs. Waipā deputy mayor Liz Stolwyk described him as “incredibly passionate about advocating on behalf of his community” and said the impression he leaves will be long lasting.
The funeral service was held as The News was going to print and coverage will appear in next week’s paper.

Pipe major Gordon Carter outside the Cambridge Town Hall farewelling Rob Feisst. Photo: Viv Posselt.

Cambridge Town Hall general manager Simon Brew playing Rachmaninov at the funeral with pianist Fergus Byett. Photo: Viv Posselt.

Mourners gather in the Town Hall for Rob Feisst’s funeral service. Photo: Viv Posselt.

Peter Nicholl, pictured leaving the hearse, after Rob Feisst’s funeral service.