Stylish attire was the topic de jour for last week’s fashion fundraiser organised by the Cambridge Altrusa Club.
The club is linked to Altrusa International, a non-profit organisation founded in the United States in 1917 and now boasting more than 100 clubs globally. Its members work on service and leadership within their communities, with a particular focus on education and literacy.

Altrusa Cambridge secretary De-ane Busby, left, with a trio of models from Annah Stretton Cambridge – Allyson Gofton, Maree Blakey and Kelly Turnock. Photo: Viv Posselt
The Cambridge club has raised thousands of dollars over the years for a variety of organisations. It also gives an annual scholarship towards a young person’s continuing education.

Altrusa Cambridge president Glenda Little, left, with a lineup of models from Gabriels – Adi Mercer, Desma Barrie, Toos Grootscholten, Florence Monson and Fay Haakma. Photo: Viv Posselt
Last week’s fundraiser at the Lyceum Club rooms attracted around 80 guests, with three fashion houses showing their clothes – Gabriels, Annah Stretton Cambridge and Repertoire.
Altrusa Cambridge secretary De-ane Busby said the event had been very well-supported by local businesses, with many providing spot prizes for the night.

Modelling for Repertoire were Charlotte Farmer, Rebecca Rappé, Jo Honiss, Shona Childs, Anne Thomas, Louise Mollard and Sara Moreton. Photo: Viv Posselt