Cambridge Community Board has responded to news today Waipā District Council has paused the Cambridge Library/Hub project.
Chair Jo Davies-Colley said the board understood the financial challenges facing the council and the community.
“Waipā District Council needs to take more time in its planning for the future of the whole Waipā district.
“We will continue to advocate for a new library for Cambridge when the Long-Term Plan process gets underway,” she said.
The council today adopted a proposed work programme and draft budgets to consult with the community as part of its annual plan.
The draft budget for the 2024/25 financial year proposed an average rates increase of 14.8 percent, net of growth, and a $101.7 million increase in the council’s debt position. It was estimated the closing debt at the end of the 2024/25 financial year would be $398.5 million.
Midday, 8 March
Foundation’s help
The Child Cancer Foundation is supporting about 1100 families nationwide. “Every week this year, three Kiwi families will be told the heartbreaking news that their child has cancer,” said chief executive Monica Briggs.
“We don’t receive any direct government funding, so these families rely on the generosity of their fellow Kiwis to receive the vital emotional and practical support they need during the toughest time in their lives.”
Stacey Ross says the foundation support her entire family. “They helped us in ways we never expected. We loved that they helped us all, from including Fionnlagh Adams’ siblings into the beads of courage programme to organising birthday cakes for them, to inviting us all to celebrations for Christmas where we could meet other families facing similar challenges.
“Our family support coordinator made all the difference to this journey and we appreciate her and everything they did for us.”
See: Fionnlagh’s cancer journey
6 March 2024 – 3.50pm
Rates going up
Rates will rise by at least 14.8 per cent from July despite Waipā District Council’s decision this week to put its 10-year Long Term Plan on hold and opt for an Enhanced Annual Plan instead. The plan gives council more time to understand government’s legislative changes and plan accordingly but budgetary challenges were still the same, council deputy chief executive Ken Morris said. The council will get a revised budget at its meeting next week.
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Market forces
The Hamilton and Cambridge Farmers Market will remain in the Victoria Square for another five years after Waipā District Council approved a new licence and an annual fee of $13,260. The News revealed last June that the trust behind the market was paying market rates in Hamilton at Claudelands – but Waipā charged a $612 licence fee and annual administration fee of $357.
See: Market seeks extended lease
See: Market drops trust status
See: Commercial rate for market
On the web …..
Our front page story about three teenagers charged with two aggravated robberies in Cambridge was the best read of our online articles last month. Coming in at second was Gymnasts face a hurdle – the story about the gymnastics club looking for support, while our ever popular News in Brief was third. Photographer Nathan Pearson’s passion for horses was fourth and rounding out the top five was the report on the opening of a local gin distillery. Our home and publications pages on are still the most popular non editorial parts of our website. Readership was up 17 per cent on January.
Creative funding
A total of $32,500 is being made available through the second round of applications for funding through the Creative Communities Scheme. Waipā District Council distributes funds on behalf of Creative New Zealand, to support, promote, and increase participation in the arts.
Kiwifruit resolution?
Discussions still continue between Waipā council and Parallel Road landowners Nick and Vanessa Jennings over whether an Environment Court hearing appealing a decision to establish artificial structures and shelterbelt planting for a kiwifruit orchard will proceed.
Mediation failed in November over the council’s decision to allow the orchard to proceed near Ōhaupō.
Consents down
There was a noticeable decrease in the number of building consents issued by Waipā District Council in the three months ended December 31. The scope of the work for the 326 building consents – down 141 on the same period the previous year – were a mix of commercial and residential.
Elms at risk
Checks are being made on 250 civic owned elm trees in Waipā after the fungal disease Dutch elm disease was found on a private property. The disease was first established in New Zealand in 1989 and is moving south – it was reported in Huntly in 2021.
New chief
Former Waipā Strategy and Community Services group manager Debbie Lascelles has been appointed chief executive at Gore District Council. She replaces Stephen Parry – a former Waitomo mayor – who resigned after 22 years when he fell out with new mayor Ben Bell.
Lascelles left Waipā two years ago and in recent months has worked at South Waikato District Council in executive roles.
Housing opposition
A hearing on March 18 will consider whether a six unit, three bedroom, two storey development on 1019 square metres in Kelly Road – next to the Kelly Road Motel – can proceed. The application from Kelly Road Investments breaches maximum building length, surface area, roof pitch and several compact housing requirements. It is a non-complying activity under the Waipā District Plan. Two parties oppose the application and the council’s planner has recommended it not proceed.
Four caught
Controlled purchase operations between the police and Waipā licensing authority in the last three months of 2023 found four businesses which sold alcohol to minors. The Alcohol Regulatory and Licensing Authority is likely to suspend the businesses’ licences if police are successful with enforcement.
Consents down
There was a noticeable decrease in the number of building consents issued by Waipā District Council in the three months ended December 31. The scope of the work for the 326 building consents – down 141 on the same period the previous year – were a mix of commercial and residential.
Award winner
The Waikato Regional Council’s Kauri Protection programme has been named as a finalist in the New Zealand Biosecurity Awards. The winners in eight categories will be announced on April 8.
Pou approved
Te Awamutu-Kihikihi Community Board and Waipā’s Strategic Planning and Policy committee have approved concept plans for a Te Runanga o Ngāti Apakura funded pou which would be installed between Mutu St and the Mangaohoi Stream. The $20,500 pou, near the Kaipaka Pā site, would reflect pre-European trade of flax, flour, fruit and tuna which were eventually exported from Waipā to Australia and the United States from the 1800s.
Recovery manager
Waipā District Council’s group manager customer and community services Sally Sheedy has been appointed Civil Defence emergency management local recovery manager, as first reported in The News last year. The manager is responsible for recovery, preparation and work for territorial authorities and directs them to perform functions, powers, and duties of the area they are appointed to cover. Waipā council confirmed the appointment last week.