Looking at work in the town centre

A lot of construction activity is happening in the Cambridge Central Business District.

With the Cambridge Pathway Plan well underway, the community board is encouraging residents to keep their ‘eyes on the prize’ which we believe will be more residents and school children walking or biking around Cambridge, reduced traffic and congestion in the CBD, increased parking spaces and safer connections for children travelling to Cambridge Primary School, Cambridge Middle School and beyond.

Jo Davies-Colley

We support the provision of these walking and cycling paths within Cambridge and believe that although the construction of these pathways can cause some short-term disruption, in the long term they will only better our town.

We believe those residents who need to or prefer to take their car, should find accessing the CBD easier once these paths have been completed. It’s great to see residents already biking down the first completed section at the top of Bryce Street, with the further sections due to be completed in April.

The community board worked alongside Waipa District Council staff and cycling group Bicycle Revolution Cambridge in the planning of this path. We gave our feedback and were involved in the public consultation process. We walked and biked the proposed routes, stood on sections where crossings would be, spoke to residents of affected streets and attended all the public information sessions.

Wilson Street on the Cambridge Pathway

We meet regularly with emergency services staff, checking in with them alongside council staff with how the construction and changes to the town are working for them. We are also part of discussions with business owners on Wilson Street, ensuring that the disruption around their businesses can be as minimised as possible as the pathways are built.

You can find detailed Cambridge Pathways maps; current works plans and funding details on Waipa District Council’s website.

We attended a parking strategy meeting recently facilitated by the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce. They are working closely with business owners to work through some of the parking issues that exist in Cambridge. The session was a positive one, with many ideas workshopped around maintaining the look and feel of Cambridge, while making sure those that need their cars in the central business district will have a place for them. This meeting was also attended by council staff who were heard the opinions of the business community and will consider their needs in future plans.

As always, we encourage you to let us know your thoughts and opinions on these pathways or any issue you have in Cambridge. You can do this by emailing me or any of the community board team or by attending one of our monthly meetings and presenting to us.

Two Waipa District Councillors sit on our board and council staff often attend, so it is a great opportunity for them to also hear your thoughts or concerns. You can find the details of our meetings in the Cambridge News or on their website.

Upper Duke Street



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