Museum goes from strength to strength

The Apple Macintosh computer on display in the refurbished Cambridge Museum.

Hundreds of patrons have been through Cambridge Museum since it reopened last month after the completion of seismic strengthening work in the historic old Courthouse building.

Manager Elizabeth Harvey said between December 15 and Sunday, the museum hosted 690 visitors,  including 137 from overseas. More than a third were from Cambridge.

The strengthening work cost $400,000 and involved installing a new roof, reinforcing brick chimneys and painting.

Harvey, administrator Karen Payne, staff and volunteers spent months kitting out the museum with exhibits highlighting local timelines.

Lesley Wyatt

Inside there are now two museum spaces – one for research and the other for displays. New lighting makes for an interesting large viewing space.

Among the exhibits is an original Apple Macintosh which is claimed to be “the most expensive computer ever.”

It was bought by then Cambridge Edition owner Lesley Wyatt in 1987. She borrowed the money and by the time she had paid the loan – and the 18 per cent interest rate – the computer had cost between $28,000 and $30,000.

The refurbished and refreshed Cambridge Museum. Photo: Mary Anne Gill.

Cambridge Museum 2023

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