Looking south towards the Victoria Street “High Level” bridge where the Cambridge Pathway project will take 32 car park spaces.
More than 1000 business employees park all day in the Cambridge central business district and the chamber of commerce thinks more than a third drive in from other towns.
“Car parking is the current hot potato so of course the chamber is going to engage and seek solutions,” chamber chief Kelly Bouzaid told The News.
“This piece of advocacy is critical to the overall wellbeing of our CBD in both attracting customers but also in ensuring we can both attract and retain workforce.”
Public transport is available from Hamilton throughout the day but limited or non-existent from other towns and cities. For most travelling by car to work in Cambridge is the only option.
The district council has recently clamped down on motorists who ignore time limits and customer car parking is also understood to be under pressure.
Briscoes recently installed video licence plate technology in its car park to combat all-day parking.