Students tick off longest day

Cambridge Middle School students Will Gratwick (left) and Mason Murphy are feeling great after completing the Blue Edge youth empowerment programme.

As he struggled up what seemed like endless flights of steps in the Hakarimata ranges, Mason Murphy drew inspiration from the motivational signs nailed to wooden railings along the route.

His Cambridge Middle School mate Will Gratwick, on the other hand said he “just felt like ripping them out”.

But, digging deep to draw on all their grit and determination, both year seven students made it to the top.

“Me and Mason were next to each other all the time, just encouraging each other,” Will said. “It was real hard.”

That was just the start of “The Longest Day”, an 12-hour challenge designed to push the 12-year-olds – and their teammates – to the limits of their physical and mental endurance.

After ticking off the Hakarimata hike, the students cycled from Ngaruawahia to Hamilton, puzzled their way through an escape room, and finished the day by pulling a fire engine from Victoria Rd to Clare St.

Blue Edge (Educate, Develop, Grow, Empower) is a programme run by Blue Light, a registered New Zealand charity that partners with the police to deliver youth initiatives.

Cambridge Police’s youth aid officer Constable Danica Hibdige, launched the programme this year with volunteer support from Cambridge Middle School, Cambridge High School, Waipa District Council, Cambridge Community Health and 24-7 YouthWork.

It was offered to Cambridge Middle School and Cambridge High School students and about 20 signed up, including Mason and Will.

The group took part in an eight-week tailored early-morning fitness programme held at the middle school on Tuesdays and Thursdays, enjoyed breakfasts together afterwards, and met mentors and speakers.

Will and Mason admitted there were moments, as they were bear crawling across the frozen turf on bitterly cold winter mornings, when they were tempted to quit.

“But I signed up for it, so I didn’t want to give up,” Will said. “We learnt, don’t say ‘cannot’, say ‘I can’t yet’.”

Now, he and Mason, who both feel fitter, faster, stronger and “more motivated”, are glad they persevered.

“I’ve got more confident I guess and I think it was a good experience,” Will said. “Everyone encouraged you and helped you.”

Cambridge Middle School deputy principal Julie Dawick said the programme built resiliency and self-worth.

“For the kids that are getting involved with the different initiatives they are pushing themselves and realising they can do it,” she said.

“The youth of Cambridge do want to do things and be challenged, but some struggle with trying to access that.”

Mason said he made eight new friends through the programme, which was “really hard” at times.

“They pushed us, which was really good; it encouraged me to try harder” he said.

“I would recommend it to anyone that needs to be challenged, or that, if you think you’re not good enough you should do this, because you’ll see that you are good enough,” he said.

Blue Light’s other local initiatives this year included discos at Cambridge primary schools and a Hauraki Gulf sailing trip for a Cambridge High School student on board the Steinlager 2 yacht which won the 1988-89 Whitbread Round the World Race.

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